YOH Retreat
Deep Experiential Therapies

A group of people capable of caring for their mind and freeing themselves from confusion. Their bodies, free from blockages. People capable of taking responsibility for their human experience. Learning balance. People exploring dimensions of Consciousness, not with philosophies, but through experiencing, living. The YOH Experience – Retreat, with its series of themes: “Learnings of Consciousness, Navigating It, Living It,” “The Sacred Feminine and Masculine, the Sanctification of Essence,” and “Birth, Death, and Rebirth,” will immerse you in deep psycho-spiritual work. The rejection of the shadow, the myth of good and evil, disconnection, the denial of death, the fear-guilt dynamic, are mental boundaries that prevent you from living in contentment. They keep us away from working with consciousness, truth, which is so necessary to live a life of quality, between beauty and equanimity. The YOH Retreat and its qualified facilitators in various fields offer different psychological techniques to access Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness and their healing potential to dissolve these mental boundaries. You will begin a lifelong growth process with lasting results. With over 200 testimonials from the YOH Retreat, individuals experience a transformation of personality traits that cause difficulty. They come to accept the origin of emotional, physical, and sexual trauma with deep healing. They design a system to move beyond the blockages associated with depression, addiction, codependency, and hostility in their relationships. They expand the limits of their perception until they connect with their spirituality and commit to Consciousness.


the masculine-feminine
the healing of the essence

15 – 18 nov

the masculine-feminine

balance: the healing of the essence

30 ago – 2 sept

the masculine-feminine
the healing of the essence

15 – 18 nov

Learnings of Consciousness, Navigating It, Living It

21 – 24 jun

the masculine-feminine balance: the healing of the essence

30 ago – 2 sept

To be born, to die and to be reborn

15 – 18 nov